Coaching across cultures philippe rosinski this article first appeared in the international journal of coaching in organizations, 2003, 14, 416. A seminal exploration of what it takes to effectively coach groups. Ros inski weaves culture and coaching into a valuable resource to help coaches integrate the cultural dimension into their work and to allow interculturalists to. The applications of coaching across cultures international journal. New tools for levereging national, corperate and professional differences jan 30, 2003.
Coaching across cultures ebook por philippe rosinski. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Espiritual, cultural, politica, psicologica, del manager y fisica. Teoria y tecnica del coaching by fernanda canedo on prezi. Coaching across cultures philippe rosinski this article first appeared in the international journal of coaching in organizations, 2003, 14, 4 16.
Follow philippe rosinski and explore their bibliography from s philippe rosinski author page. Y por otro lado, en emotional intelligence coaching. If coaching is largely about shifting and expanding peoples perspectives in a way that they. Teoria y tecnica del coaching escucha activa y reflexiva intuicion respeto empatia fin presentacion. Coaching across cultures por philippe rosinski, nicholas brealey. While interculturaalist often treat corporate, institutional, and professional cultures as poor cousins. Descargue como pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Over a million stunning new images at your fingertips.
Despidiendo a john whitmore 19372017 leonardo ravier. New tools for levereging national, corperate and professional differences kindle edition by philippe rosinski. It can be downloaded and printed for personal use only. My fellow citizens have come to accept us models of. Coaching across cultures and millions of other books are available for amazon kindle. Lee coaching across cultures new tools for levereging national, corperate and professional differences por philippe rosinski disponible en rakuten kobo. Rosinski, philippe 2008, coaching y cultura, gran aldea editores.
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